The Umbrella Project

The Umbrella Project

“The Only Access” by Zhang Peili

“Three Hundred Characters” by Shi Yong

360/365 Dinner done

355/365 Synchronised birds

351/365 Welkom in Dordrecht

347/365 12 more sleeps

342/365 Made in Venice

69/365 It still works

61/365 Update 15046

42/365 New panniers

14/365 Feathered heads

Queen’s Day 2011

Week 19: Daisy pedal

Dwarfendam is quite far

8 o’klok shadow


Week 7: Alien alliance

Nelson’s ship



Day 365: 365 vs 52

Day 360: Samsonite

Day 354: Twelve

Day 348: Foot pump abstract