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July 2009
Day 122: Sheep
Day 121: Blackberry
Day 120: Cornflowers
Day 119: Wet hoverfly on yellow flower
Day 118: SEP-key
Day 117: Tree
Day 116: Bells
Day 115: Outside
Day 114: Legs
Day 113: Strawberry & Smurf
Day 112: Agri-something
Day 111: The Cow Whisperer
Day 110: Before the rain
Day 109: Out of focus
Day 108: Late night accounting
Day 107: Cyberman
Day 106: Plug
Day 105: Caribbean
Day 104: Caged Light
Day 103: Draughts
Day 102: White Chrysanthemum on white
Day 101: White Chrysanthemum
Day 100: Forelle Blush 4418
Day 99: Reflections
Day 98: After the rain
Day 97: Poppy
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